Guidance on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

PS Ioan Casian

Due to the concern expressed by the state authorities and in general by the whole society related to the spread of Coronavirus contamination (COVIG-19) which endangers the human person several recommendations were made by the Romanian Patriarchate, other religious jurisdictions and the authorities of the states, including Canada, in which each of the Romanian faithful carries on their life and work.

You will find in the attached files several helpful recommendations and prayers :

  1. Romanian Patriarchate's recommendations to parishes and monasteries;
  2. Recommendations of the Romanian authorities for Romania;
  3. Special prayer against the epidemic;
  4. Link to the recommendations of the Government of Canada Health Service (English) for symptom detection and prevention regarding Coronavirus (COVIG-19):
  5. The link to the Pastoral Word for the strengthening of faith and in the communion of the Eucharist - HB Patriarch Daniel:

Please - clergy and faithful - take these recommendations very seriously without panicking because of this special situation. It is God who knows everything and cares for everyone both here on earth and in eternity. The Christian is brave, faithful, and full of hope because he/she knows that he/she is with God the Creator and the Caretaker of all, but he/she is also realistic in understanding the need to make personally every effort to remove any situation that could produce a degeneration of personal health or within the community/society in which he/she lives.

The command to love our neighbor as ourselves is a divine one. It implies a responsible attitude towards any gesture that could affect the one next to us regardless of faith, race or gender. That is why let us pray for God's help and do what is most appropriate in the spirit of the recommendations made by those who know better technically too this disease.

 I wish you a strong health and a blessed Great Lent!

  • P.S. Ioan Casian

GUIDELINES to the parishes and monasteries for taking measures to prevent illness with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19)


19 Cordova Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 1M9
Phone: 613-878-1263
© 2019 Saint Matthew and Saint Hristina Romanian Orthodox Church. Developed by Gabriel Tapuc.